[100128/SJ]Fans lobby to get K-pop stars on Ellen’s show

Fans lobby to get K-pop stars on Ellen’s show
By JONATHAN M. HICAPJanuary 27, 2010, 4:33pm

The Ellen DeGeneres Show” has been flooded with requests from fans to feature various Korean artists ever since it announced that it wants to guest international artists on the show.

A notice was posted on the show’s website last Jan. 21 calling for viewers to suggest great musicians for the talk show.

“Ellen is discovering some amazing international music. Now she’s looking for more — and wants your help! If you know any great musicians from around the world, tell us why you think Ellen would love them,” the post read.

Thousands of fans have since posted suggestions to put TVXQ, Super Junior, SHINee, 2NE1, 2PM, Big Bang, and other K-pop artists on Ellen’s show.

Fans tried to outdo one another in giving convincing reasons why their idol group should be on the show.

“They all have amazing voices. They have the largest fan base. They are so charismatic and handsome. I think you would enjoy having them on your show and so will the audience,” one fan said of TVXQ.

Another wrote, “Please choose Super Junior! They have 13 angels and a lot…a lot of people love them not only because of their talents but also their personalities and the most wonderful relationship among their members.”

“SHINee is the best band ever,” a fan added.

K-pop fan sites have also posted threads encouraging members to go to the Ellen website to boost the chances of their idols.

As of this writing, there are already more than 7,000 suggestions posted on the site.

DeGeneres’ show opened the door to Charice Pempengco’s first appearance on an American TV program back in 2007.

Charice’s viral video on YouTube landed her a spot on Star King, a TV talent show in South Korea. She also sang a duet with Super Junior member Kyuhyun when she became a guest on the show.

“The Ellen DeGeneres Show,” launched in 2003, is now on its eight season in the US and has won 29 Daytime Emmy awards.

If you know someone who could be worthy of an appearance on Ellen’s show, just go to this shortened URL: http://tinyurl.com/y985jg7

source:manila bulletin

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